The Playful Messenger Blog

Scarlett K. Anderson Scarlett K. Anderson

that of God in everyone…

So the first step to recognizing God in others and to loving others, is to know God and to love God.

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Scarlett K. Anderson Scarlett K. Anderson


In the beginning was the Word…

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Scarlett K. Anderson Scarlett K. Anderson

Peace and All Good

When my sister squawked at the idea of it all, my mother would often reply with a quote from the bible, e.g., “You never know when you will be attending to angels unawares.”

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Scarlett K. Anderson Scarlett K. Anderson

Happy Holidays!

The Good News states that if we put God first, He promises to guide us and show us the best path to take.

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Scarlett K. Anderson Scarlett K. Anderson

Deo Volente

What have we birthed that we need to give to God and let grow according to His will, His way, in His strength?

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Scarlett K. Anderson Scarlett K. Anderson

T-shirts for Tommy

This man of God who refers to himself as Donkey Tommy Granger, stated that he wanted to be a walking billboard and fired off clever messages for me to create on the backside of colored t-shirts.

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