that of God in everyone…
One day some mothers brought their babies to him to touch and bless. But the disciples told them to go away.
Then Jesus called the children over to him and said to the disciples, “Let the little children come to me! Never send them away! For the Kingdom of God belongs to women and men who have hearts as trusting as these little children’s. And anyone who doesn’t have their kind of faith will never get within the Kingdom’s gates.” [women and added]. (Luke 18:15-17, TLB)
In 2014, the Lord placed it on my heart to pursue art ministry. At that time I did not know how the two could be married and intended to pursue a degree in ministry to couple with my degree in the arts. So I started on a spiraling path of drafting a thousand and one plans of the educational, financial, and business plans I believed I needed. All along the way, I’ve asked myself many times over if I am calling my procrastination and fears, “keeping step with God or waiting on the Lord?” I’m relieved to discover the answer is “no.” When I think of the number of steps of faith I have taken, and how frequently I ask myself “What is the next step I can take that will lead to the benefit of others?” I know I am combining my faith with deeds (Js 2:14-25). God has recently given me more clarity and vision of the target group to start my art ministry events. Drumroll please…children/youth! Seems obvious, right? Didn’t quite register with this girlie somehow. Nevertheless, it totally makes sense now, given my background and passions.
Unfortunately, after I finally found my people, I looked at what they (other art ministers) were doing and did not see or hear about models that included children, except for the ones my art ministry teacher mentioned on occasion. So I naturally defaulted to thinking that although my invitations to art ministry are addressed to “all” I should prepare primarily for adults and expect just a sparse turnout of children—that idea was freaking me out! Just the reverse is true. The Lord has given me so much Peace (Phil 4: 6) with His recent instruction to focus on the children/youth and to trust that it is all working out according to His plans for me.
I will instruct you (says the Lord) and guide you along the best pathway for your life; I will advise you and watch your progress.
(Ps. 32:8, TLB)
I am called and have been prepared to be a conduit of transformation for children/youth and I am thrilled to know where to start serving in my art ministry. My intentionality is looking for that of God in everyone, and everyone means the little ones too.
Another thought-provoking question I often raise on my journey is asking God (really telling God) “Are you sure you’ve got the right person? I am not capable of doing this because…” His response has been to help me see Him in me and me in Him. This way (His way), makes mountains look like molehills and I can abandon my fears and truly work with the confidence I need to achieve my goals (Phil 4:13). God is constantly reminding me that we are co-creators, I’m not doing this alone; therefore, I purposely seek God and look for that of God in myself, which is a must-do if I am to look for Him in others.
I recently was led to read a blog post by a Quaker Friend who highlights this notion in the following way: “Knowing God involves a life of prayer, of taking time to be with God in silence and solitude, of learning to listen to God, of learning to love God. So the first step to recognizing God in others and to loving others, is to know God and to love God.[1]”
Even though I am uncertain of what my next steps are, I will be walking with Jesus by faith (Prv 16:9). WHAT I KNOW: God will not give me more than I can handle, and He certainly will not leave me to the detriment of confusion and fear. When I give him my worries, I can rest knowing that He is in control; and see clearly who I am in Him. He is my loving Father!
If you are on a similar journey, I hope the chronicling of my growth encourages you to pursue your dreams and blesses you in new and refreshing ways.